Solve the problem of cat scratching in an easy way, step by step
Solve the problem of scratching cats

Solve the problem of cat scratching. Cats really love to scratch cats and it's not an exaggeration either. If you're a first-time cat owner, you'll realize that right now as you see your new furniture has paw marks and your lounge, so the cushions split and rip to the elements.
Cats scratch for several reasons. The obvious reason is to define their territory.

Solve the problem of scratching cats

Cats' paws leave their scent and every time they scratch one thing, their scent stays there. Scratching is also an exercise associated with them; You'll sometimes notice their love to scratch whenever they wake up from a nap.

The first answer is to confine your cat to a place where it cannot injure new furniture or scratch something of value. This can only be considered a short-term decision and cannot be permanent because cats love to roam, too. The simplest accuracy can be a scratch.

A post is some of the things that you will get or produce on your own. There are many scratching posts on the market and you are only sure to realize one thing is right for your cat. Remember, however, that a cat's plan for one reasonable thing to scratch at is very different from yours. Never build the mistake of shopping for one expensive thing just because you think about looks | It makes sense or specifically looks like your home lounge.

An excellent post is a couple of things where your cat is completely stretched out and may be stable. Once your cat starts scratching her and crumpling, you need to make sure she doesn't go back to that.

The next step for you is to train your cat to scratch

After shopping for one, the next step for you is to train your cat to scratch it. Don't build the mistake of forcing her claws to scratch the post. Your cat is simply labeled as a child and showing one thing you are aware of is a way to do it, and it is some of the things that may make your cat act outside with you for some days.

One suggestion is to place the post anywhere your cat won't scratch. For example, if she likes to scratch a wooden chair, put it on the edge of your seat. The different places embody an area on the verge of where your cat is sleeping, so she will have some factors that scratch her when she falls asleep. This won't work all of the time, however, so you have to try to do one clever thing to get her to scratch the post.

One of the simplest solutions is to rub the herbal plant in it. This can make them merrily create by removing in the post in no time. If this is not attractive to your cat, don't lose hope as there are different ways to do this. Some cats simply do not like herbaceous plants and will not be fooled by this reward.

Another successful method

Another way is to associate the post with one fun thing. Put some food around it or dangle some toys that will tempt her to succeed in the game and inadvertently scratch the post. You want to keep in mind to praise your cat whenever she scratches your post, so she will keep in mind that scratching the post is fun and acceptable to you.

Another way to "trick" your cat into scratching the post is to play games along with running around the scratch. Once you discover that scratching the post is more correct than participating in your game, don't feel too risky that you've done your job of "trick" your cat into hurting the scratch post.

Of course, you will try to train them to scratch the post. You will present the “scratch” request and purpose to the post as you apply and each time your cat scratches post, offer her a treat and praise her out loud, so she will be able to please you.

The last step for your cat

Once your cat starts hurting the scratching post, the next step is to prevent it from scratching your furniture. You'll try this by covering your furniture with foil or double-sided tape. This unit of area shows that your cat can perceive that it does not make sense to scratch and can currently understand not to scratch objects far from the scratch point. The only factor to remember is that to prevent your cat from scratching your furniture is to provide her with something higher to scratch. Do not forget to comment on the topic.